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We Must Not Act in Fear

The message of these most recent attacks is universal: every person should be afraid. Our responses to that message, however, need not accept the invitation to fear. Rejecting fear gives us space to think rationally about the responses that will ensure our collective safety over the long term.

Trade for Well-Being, Not Just for Profit

On May 19th, FCNL joined the American Friends Service Committee, Quaker Council for European Affairs, Quaker Peace & Social Witness, and the Quaker UN Office in releasing a shared Quaker statement on TTIP and free trade agreements.

Statement on Climate Encyclical

The Friends Committee on National Legislation joins with people of all faiths who are excited and grateful at the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Praised Be: On the Care of our Common Home.”

FCNL Statement for House Homeland Security Hearing on Refugees

Statement of Yasmine Taeb, Legislative Representative for Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Friends Committee on National Legislation, hearing on: “Crisis of Confidence: Preventing Terrorist Infiltration Through U.S. Refugee and Visa Programs,” House Committee on Homeland Security.