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A gift of appreciated securities means you can support our mission and reduce your capital gains tax liability. This can result in significant savings for you if you have highly appreciated assets. Many donors have found this to be a very effective way to support FCNL’s lobbying work and reduce capital gains. 
To initiate your gift, please share these instructions with your broker:

Gift to FCNL

(501c4 Lobbying Organization)
*Where your gift has the most impact and is needed most

Tax ID 53-0178883
Charles Schwab & Company
Account name: Friends Committee on National Legislation
Account #: 1036-0797
DTC Code: 0164, Code 40

Gift to FCNL Education Fund

(501(c)3 Educational Organization)

Tax ID 52-1254489
Charles Schwab & Company
Account name: FCNL Education Fund Reserves Account #: 3317-6753
DTC Code: 0164, Code 40


Please contact Stephen Donahoe, Associate General Secretary for Development, to let him know the name of the stock and the number of shares you plan to transfer. This will ensure that your gift will be properly credited to you.

Stephen can be reached at (202) 465-7560 or

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.