The immigration policies we envision will allow people to migrate to the United States regardless of their wealth or skill levels, to preserve their families’ unity, to change their places of employment and to apply for lawful permanent status and eventual citizenship.
Just Immigration
Christina Felschen
Take Action
The U.S. Suffers a Migration Management Crisis—Not a Migration Crisis
The U.S. government has the capacity and responsibility to administer and maintain efficient and just migration rather than relying on costly, antiquated migration management approaches that abandon its asserted legacy as a country of immigrants.
Salvi Fuentes,
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Citizenship for All
Congressional inaction comes at an enormous cost to our immigrant neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and friends—and there is a significant cost to the United States as a whole.
Calamity Sal / Flickr
A Quaker Statement on Migration
We are committed to working for a world where dignity and rights are upheld regardless of migration status and not on the basis of citizenship or perceived deservedness.
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Becoming the Migration Policy Program
Persistent faith, not platitudes. People, not politics. Organized power, not systems. That’s the strength of our advocacy.
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