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Peaceful Student Protests Demand Peaceful Responses

We urge government and university leaders to permit peaceful protests on campuses, protect freedom of speech, oppose all forms of violence against people exercising their fundamental rights, and work to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. 

Quaker Lobby Calls for De-Escalation and Restraint Between Israel and Iran

FCNL is deeply concerned that Iran’s recent retaliatory strikes on Israeli territory, following Israel’s unlawful attacks on its diplomatic facility in Syria in early April, will only fuel more war, bloodshed, and regional instability. War is not the answer and another round of retaliation strikes by any party to the conflict will only further inflame the region and drive more violence. 

Quaker Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Humanitarian Protections in Gaza

Quakers believe in the sacred worth of each person and stand against violence in all its forms. As Quaker organizations, we mourn all lives lost and lament with everyone who is suffering. We grieve for those in Israel and Palestine who have lost precious lives. We pray with those waiting for the return of loved ones and those living under siege and bombardment.

As Quaker organizations, we mourn all lives lost and lament with everyone who is suffering.

FCNL Statement on the Racist Mass Shooting in Jacksonville

On August 26, 2023, a gunman took the lives of three Black people in a racist attack in Jacksonville, FL. FCNL holds their communities and families in the Light as they grieve this horrific loss. We also recognize and affirm that thoughts and prayers do not atone for inaction—not on racism, not on white supremacy, and not on gun violence.

We Need Migration Policies that Recognize the Humanity of All People

The American Friends Service Committee and the Friends Committee on National Legislation, institutions guided by the tenets of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), seek policies that uplift that of God in every human being. As such, we adamantly oppose the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2).

The Enduring Power of Peacebuilding

Amid calls for more weapons to win battlefield victories, we affirm the enduring power of building peace through peaceful means. We urge robust, persistent, and creative diplomacy and peacebuilding to bring about a just and durable solution to the ongoing war in Ukraine.