Decades after the end of the cold war, the drive to build nuclear weapons by some governments continues, energized in no small part by the policies of the U.S. government. The awful power of nuclear weapons indiscriminately threatens all people.
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Recent Updates
Extend and Expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
This program provides lifesaving benefits to Americans who, since 1945, have suffered directly from the expansion of the U.S nuclear weapons industry.

Tim Wright/ICAN

Acting in Solidarity with Victims of Nuclear Testing
We must fulfill our commitment to the downwinders, uranium workers, and atomic veterans whose health was sacrificed decades ago for our government’s nuclear weapons program.

Protect the New START Treaty
With the danger of a nuclear arms race and nuclear war rising, President Biden, backed by Congress, must reestablish nuclear disarmament diplomacy and reinforce de-escalation efforts.

Cancel the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent
There are cheaper and more effective ways to address the real security challenges America faces without escalating nuclear risks.
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