FCNL is a nonpartisan organization that seeks to live our values of integrity, simplicity, and peace as we build relationships across political divides to move policies forward.
Open Positions
Volunteer Treasurer
The FCNL Nominating Committee invites you to apply for a volunteer role as treasurer for Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Friends Place on Capitol Hill (FP), and the FCNL Education Fund (EDF).
This single treasurer position serves as financial risk manager, understands the operational policies set by governance and procedures by staff to manage the financial transactions of the corporation, makes sure the organization’s financial policies are current and being followed, and provides clear financial reporting to the corporation’s governors by translating financial information and financial concepts with staff assistance.
Statement on Anti-racism, Anti-bias, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
As a Quaker organization, FCNL endeavors to embody the belief in the inherent dignity and equal worth of each person, and in each person’s unique access to the Divine.
Please note: Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Friends Committee on National Legislation requires all new employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before being hired. Candidates should be prepared to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon hire or discuss accommodations in line with COVID-19 safety protocols.
Quaker Meeting Contacts
FCNL’s grassroots network includes hundreds of Quaker meetings and churches around the country. As an FCNL Contact, you’ll receive monthly updates on important actions.
Visiting Friends
FCNL Visiting Friends engage with nearby meetings and churches virtually or in-person, sharing how Quaker advocacy and FCNL can help Friends live out their own faith through works and witness.
General Committee
Are you called to offer your gifts in service of FCNL governance? FCNL is governed by a committee of approximately 180 Friends. Governors meet each November to conduct business at FCNL’s Annual Meeting.
Advocacy Teams
The Advocacy Teams Network is made up of more than 1,500 Quakers and friends from across the county who use their power as constituents to make change in Washington.
Program Assistant Fellowship
Recent college graduates spend 11 months working with key staff members at FCNL to build expertise in advocacy from a public interest perspective. This is a paid, full-time position.
Advocacy Corps
As an Advocacy Corps organizer, you’ll connect local activists and leaders with your members of Congress to affect big, long-term change.
Summer Internship
FCNL offers several paid summer internships that provide a broad introduction to federal policy, grassroots organizing, and nonprofit management.
Scoville Fellowship
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for six to nine-month fellowships with NGOs in Washington, D.C.
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