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Each year hundreds of Quakers and friends gather to advocate for a more just and peaceful world.

At FCNL’s Annual Meeting, Friends from across the country join in fellowship and worship as we seek unity on important matters that affect us all. FCNL’s General Committee makes decisions about organizational priorities, bylaws, and budget for the coming year. Through the Quaker Public Policy Institute hundreds of advocates lobby their federal officials to advance just public policies. 

Annual Meeting 2024: Advocacy that never gives up graphic

Annual Meeting & Quaker Public Policy Institute 2024

Advocacy That Never Gives Up.

Our 2024 Annual Meeting will bring together hundreds of Friends online and in Washington, D.C., from November 13-17 to learn, lobby, worship, and chart FCNL’s future.

Learn more

Awards Presented at Annual Meeting

Each year FCNL presents two awards at Annual Meeting. Each goes to an outstanding member of Congress who has displayed leadership in advancing legislative priorities consistent with those advocated by FCNL.