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Faith Letter Supporting the Investigation of Indian Boarding School Policies

From the early 1800s through the 1960s, Christian churches collaborated with the federal government to create hundreds of boarding schools which Native American children were forced to attend. The conditions at these institutions were horrific—yet, the federal government has never conducted a full exploration of the harms and impacts of this federal policy. 

The Lasting Trauma of Quaker Indigenous Boarding Schools

In this video, Paula discusses Friends’ role in the traumas inflicted on the indigenous peoples of North America since the arrival of European colonists—particularly in the administration of boarding schools where Native children were forced to abandon their heritage and embrace the ways of White Christian culture, where they would never be truly accepted as equals.

Support the Creation of a Truth and Healing Commission on the Indian Boarding School Era

Legislative Ask

From the early 1800s through the 1960s, Christian churches collaborated with the government to create hundreds of boarding schools for Native American children. The conditions at these institutions were horrific—yet, the federal government has never conducted a full exploration of the harms and impacts of this federal policy.

Bipartisan Bill to Address Legacy of Indian Boarding Reintroduced in Senate

Quakers and friends in the FCNL community have been closely following the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States Act. With a deep concern for the need to advance justice, accountability, and healing for the atrocities of the Indian boarding school era, our network has faithfully uplifted this legislation through intergenerational advocacy.