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Washington Newsletter: Helping Our Neighbors Tackle Climate Change

We are halfway through 2024, and global warming is continuing to break records, with scientists increasingly predicting that this year could surpass 2023 as the hottest year. One thing is abundantly clear: climate change is more than a potential threat—it is here.

Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Charlottesville Friends Meeting

Meeting Minute

From the earliest days of Quakerism, members of the Religious Society of Friends have connected with the divine spark in others and nurtured it, and have sought to avoid the violence of war, which engenders destruction, alienation, and the loss of countless lives. In our imperfect society, it is critical that we remain true to the foundations of our faith by seeking the good in ourselves and others, and working to make the world a just and peaceful place for everyone. War is not the answer.

Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Westerly (RI) Monthly Meeting

Meeting Minute

We recognize the war now being fought between Israel and Hamas is rooted in tragic complexity that has resulted in more and more suffering since October 7. We recognize brilliant minds and compassionate hearts have sought since 1948 to bring peace to the region of Israel and Palestine, yet war or the threat of war has remained a constant in that region for 76 years. We recognize there are no words we can say, even if expressed with soaring eloquence and impeccable logic, that would cause people at war in Israel and Palestine, upon hearing them, to lay down their weapons and live in peace.

Thank you for taking action for a ceasefire!

Thank you for writing to your members of Congress to urge them to publicly support a ceasefire and expanded humanitarian aid in Gaza.

You can level up your advocacy by sharing with your community why you wrote your members of Congress.

One good way to do that is by sharing a video on social media explaining why a ceasefire in Gaza matters to you, and tagging your members of Congress and FCNL (@quakerlobby on Instagram and TikTok, @FCNL on Twitter/X).

Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Columbia Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Meeting Minute

Let us seek paths to work for peace, to act in faith and love, with persistence, patience, and courage. We ask everyone, including those in power, to learn from and work with the peacebuilders, who have labored long and hard. May they lead us all in creating an enduring peace built on justice and reconciliation that provides safety, sovereignty, and a future free of war as Palestinians, Israelis and all people of the region become partners pursuing the sacred goal of Peace.

We’re Way Over the “Red Line” in Gaza

On May 8, President Joe Biden vowed that he would halt offensive weapons to the Israeli government if it moved forward with an assault on Rafah. 

While we celebrated the statement as a significant positive step, we noted that we must hold our government accountable for making good on President Biden’s vow.

Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Montclair Monthly Meeting (NJ)

Meeting Minute

As members of the Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Montclair, New Jersey, we proclaim this Peace Testimony. We believe that there is that of God in every person. We believe that violence only perpetuates violence. Therefore, we oppose the use of violence, and we work to realize peace, together with justice and compassion, to heal this world.