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We are saddened and outraged by recent police violence against students protesting American complicity in the war in Gaza.

FCNL condemns the violent government responses to peaceful protests. We call on officials to protect civil liberties and ensure the safety of Jews, Muslims, and all students on campus.

As students across the country continue to come under attack, it’s crucial that we defend their right to peacefully protest against a brutal war. But amid the controversy over the protests, we must not lose sight of what they are ultimately about: Our collective complicity in the unacceptable suffering in Gaza.

Our role in enabling mass violence against Palestinians must end. And the violence and repression against students must stop.

These students are courageously elevating this complicity to the national spotlight. Particularly now, as a catastrophic Israeli military assault on Rafah appears imminent, their voices of dissent are more crucial than ever.

Our role in enabling the mass violence being inflicted on Palestinians must end. And the violence and repression against students here at home must stop.

While students have been calling on their universities to divest from Israel, FCNL has been urging our government to stop sending weapons and military aid.

Last week, we supported a global day of action to stop arming Israel. As part of that advocacy, FCNL co-led a letter with coalition partners thanking members of Congress who recently voted against a major new military aid package for Israel.

After nearly seven months of devastating war in Gaza, these student protests make clear that there is a widespread and growing demand to end America’s role in the conflict.

It’s long past time that Congress and President Biden listen. That means using the leverage they have to bring about an immediate, permanent ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and a massive surge in humanitarian relief. Only then can the people of Gaza begin the long road to healing from this nightmare.

Bryan Bowman

Bryan Bowman

Social Media and Communications Strategist

Bryan Bowman is FCNL’s social media and communications strategist. In this role, he manages FCNL’s social media platforms, supports the production of FCNL’s digital content, and represents the communications team in coalition efforts.