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Climate change creates or worsens a variety of global challenges, and the lasting impacts of climate-induced harms disproportionately affect Global South nations. The international community is turning to equitable and resiliency-building responses and funding for developing countries, namely international climate assistance. International climate assistance funding not only confronts the immediate threat of climate change but also recognizes that climate change is woven into the fabric of most other global concerns, which lead to complex human consequences.

This webpage explains climate change’s intersectionality across four specific global concerns: peacebuilding, food security, justice, and land degradation. FCNL believes that international climate assistance isn’t only critical to addressing climate change, but fundamental to building an equitable and just world – the world we seek.


Building peace and confronting the climate challenge are cyclical endeavors. Climate change can contribute to the emergence of conflicts, particularly in vulnerable regions, because it exacerbates existing conflict-inducing risks.  

By investing in sustainable practices and helping communities adapt to climate change’s impacts, international climate assistance can mitigate potential conflicts over dwindling resources and contribute to stability and peace.

Food Security

The adverse impacts of climate change on food production are profound and immediate, contributing significantly to global hunger. At the same time, our global food systems account for over one-third of global greenhouse gas pollution. The escalation in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters wrought by climate change poses a direct threat to crops. Floods, droughts, and erratic weather patterns undermine the predictability essential for farmers to plan successful harvests.  

International climate assistance, by providing resources for adaptive measures and resilient agricultural practices, empowers communities to withstand and recover from such disruptions, strengthening global food security.

Global Environmental Justice

Developed nations have historically been the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. However, the Global South endures the worst impacts of climate change, often long before other nations do. Together, these findings describe the core of global environmental justice.  

Today’s climate crisis is intertwined with a global legacy of inequality, and the protection and fulfillment of human rights and sustainable development are crucial elements of any solution. FCNL’s principles of justice in international climate assistance recognize the historical responsibility of nations, like the United States, for disproportionate contributions to climate change. International climate assistance seeks to address this injustice and remedy its impacts on vulnerable communities.

Land Degradation  

Deforestation, unsustainable land management, and land degradation are responsible for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas pollution. Unsustainable land use, driven by factors like poor agricultural management, illegal logging, and insecure land rights, contributes to land degradation.

Investments in international climate assistance supports countries in fulfilling their commitments to reduce land-based greenhouse gas pollution. This assistance actively promotes conservation, environmental restoration, and the sustainable use of vital ecosystems. By addressing the root causes of unsustainable land use, international climate assistance plays a key role in curbing environmental impacts and fostering responsible resource management.