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At Spring Lobby Weekend 2025, we will lobby Congress to prevent millions of people from losing healthcare and food assistance. The incoming Congress is moving quickly to enact policies that would take away healthcare and food assistance from the people who are struggling the most in our society to pay for policies such as deportation, border militarization, and tax cuts for wealthy individuals and corporations. 

72 million people receive healthcare coverage from Medicaid, ensuring access to critical medical appointments, procedures, and medicines. More than 41 million people receive nutrition assistance from SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), ensuring that they can consistently put food on their tables. The proposed cuts would affect millions of people across the country. We deserve a nation that invests in everyone’s ability to flourish rather than prioritizing the pocketbooks of the wealthy and well connected.   

Join over 300 young adults this March 22-25 to advocate for a country that supports the potential of each individual person and prioritizes every person’s health and safety. Access to affordable, quality healthcare and nutritious food is a basic human right.  

By joining us this spring, you can make a real difference in the outcome of major policy decisions about who our country prioritizes, impacting tens of millions of lives.