There’s a disturbing news story circulating in Washington this week. According to Politico news, President Trump and Vice President Pence are preparing to launch an all-out attack on the bipartisan Senate farm bill.
They’re pushing the House version, a partisan bill that takes food assistance away from Americans struggling to find work.
We know that the House version won’t help people who are hungry find work or create new jobs; we support the Senate version of the farm bill so that people whose incomes are low can get food assistance.
The farm bill is the largest source of food assistance for needy Americans. It is essential that your legislators hear from you.
That’s why I’d like to personally invite you to join me to lobby in Washington, D.C. with our Quaker Public Policy Institute (QPPI), Nov.28-30, 2018.
Congress has until December to decide whether to support a farm bill that would cut food assistance from 2 million people. Or it can insist on bipartisan legislation that protects and strengthens the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps).
At QPPI, which is a part of FCNL’s Annual Meeting, you can join more than 400 people — Quakers and friends — on Capitol Hill as we bear witness in support of policies, like SNAP, that promote justice and enable people to live with dignity.
Our Congress will be better when people stay engaged after the elections. Amid the turmoil of this administration, your presence on Capitol Hill is important and has impact. Your participation matters! Please join us.