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Abolition 2000 Working Group on the UN Disarmament Agenda and a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Chair: Jackie Cabasso (USA). Director, Western States Legal Foundation. Member, Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee. Speakers: * Dr Juergen Scheffran (Germany). Professor and chair of Research Group Climate Change and Security at Hamburg University. Co-Chair, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility. Principal Drafter, 1997 Model NWC. * H.E. Alfredo Labbé (Chile). Professor, National Academy for Political and Strategic Studies, Santiago. Member, UN Group of Governmental Experts on Nuclear Disarmament Verification Issues. Former Director General for Foreign Policy in the Chile Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Former Ambassador (or Deputy Ambassador) of Chile to the UN in Vienna, Geneva and New York. * Divina Maloum (Cameroon). Founder, Children for Peace. Member, Youth Fusion – Abolition 2000 Youth Network. Co-winner (with Greta Thunberg), 2019 International Children’s Peace Prize. * Randy Rydell (USA). Board member, Arms Control Association. Executive Adviser, Mayors for Peace. Former Senior Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Former Adviser and Legislative Assistant, US Senator John Glenn.