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Today, the State Department announced the second U.S. investment of $500 million to the Green Climate Fund, an international multilateral fund that supports low-emission and climate-resilient development in countries that are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.


The Friends Committee on National Legislation applauds today’s announcement from the State Department of the second U.S. investment of $500 million to the Green Climate Fund, an international multilateral fund that supports low-emission and climate-resilient development in countries that are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Religious communities, which are heavily involved in relief and development ministries, have a strong interest in seeing the Green Climate Fund succeed. Religious relief and development ministries are struggling to respond to climate impacts, and the Green Climate Fund provides welcome international funds. In 2016, 121 religious organizations requested a $750 million investment in the Green Climate Fund for Fiscal Year 2017.

“The Green Climate Fund is an investment in the well-being of our collective future, especially the poor and vulnerable peoples around the world, whose livelihoods are directly harmed and threatened right now by climate disruption. As such, the Friends Committee on National Legislation is deeply grateful to the Obama Administration for its $750 million commitment to the fund for Fiscal Year 2017. It is a commitment to compassion in action. As we remember our nation’s annual celebration of the legacy of Martin Luther King, this commitment resonates in his words: “Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies.”

Jose Aguto
Legislative Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation

“As Christians, we celebrate the release of funds to the Green Climate Fund because are called to rectify injustice. When the most vulnerable people in the world who have emitted the fewest greenhouse gas emissions get harmed first and worst by our damaged climate, countries like the United States must take responsibility. We see the Green Climate Fund as a strategic investment to organize and strengthen efforts for climate adaptation and resilience. We remain committed to calling for the United States to meet its full pledge of $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund by 2020.”

Shantha Ready Alonso
Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries

“We are pleased that the Obama administration was able to continue the United States’ bipartisan tradition of support for climate resilience and renewable energy technologies in developing nations. This is an important installment toward our $3 billion pledge and shows the rest of the world that the U.S. is keeping our word and doing our part. As people of faith, we have a responsibility to consider the needs of others and answer God’s call to care for the least among us. That is what this fund is all about.”

The Rev. Cn. Sally Bingham
President, Interfaith Power & Light

“As Christians in the United States who care about vulnerable persons from all backgrounds, we know ensuring that our country does its part for the Green Climate Fund is not only a matter of environmental concern, but also one of basic justice and compassion. With the resources to prepare for extreme weather, rising sea levels, drought, and other climate disruption, fewer people will find themselves in desperate situations.”

Rev. Dr. Ken Brooker Langston
Director, Disciples Center for Public Witness

“The Franciscan Action Network applauds the Obama administration’s continued commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement by pledging additional funding to the Green Climate Fund. As Pope Francis reminded us in his encyclical Laudato Si, it is going to take the full dedication of each of the world’s major polluters to ensure that we stop the debilitating effects of climate change that are currently affecting our brothers and sisters in the third world. It is our hope that this commitment continues with the incoming President-Elect.”

Patrick Carolan
Executive Director, Franciscan Action Network

For such a time as this we are called to responsibly steward the gifts of creation and to stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable, affirming all creation’s right to flourish. Through the health of our climate, all the world’s concerns are intertwined. We – the Alliance of Baptists – therefore urge President Obama to fulfill our country’s commitment to the Green Climate Fund as a part of the historic Paris agreement so that we might join with other countries in caring for the earth as our common home.”

Rev. Paula Dempsey
Director of Partner Relations, Alliance of Baptists

“Church World Service(CWS) warmly welcomes President Obama’s move to shore up US contributions for the Green Climate Fund before his Administration departs office. These are critical investments for the future. CWS can already attest to the damage caused by increasing drought, catastrophic weather events and failing crops caused by changes to climactic patterns. Our faith tradition compels us to help the vulnerable and to build communities through acts of compassion, solidarity and active giving. This US contribution to the Green Climate Fund is in keeping with finest traditions of US global leadership which CWS hopes will continue long into the future.”

Jasmine Huggins
Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, Church World Service

“It is simply a fact that those hit hardest by the impacts of climate change are those that have contributed the least to the problem. Given the disproportionate burden that our changing climate is placing on the poor and the marginalized around the world, it is a moral imperative that the U.S. do everything possible to ensure that climate mitigation and adaptation is as just and equitable as possible. This means allocating robust funding to mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund so that less developed countries have the resources they need to adapt to a rapidly changing world. If the United States wants to continue its tradition of moral leadership on the international stage, it must make good on its commitment to fund the Green Climate Fund.”

Kyle Meyaard-Schaap
National Organizer and Spokesperson, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

“We express our gratitude to President Obama for honoring his commitment to the Green Climate Fund up to the end of his term. From super typhoons to severe drought conditions, our missioners and the vulnerable communities we serve in Asia, Africa, and Latin America experience deeply and directly the weather events linked to climate change. These events will only become more frequent and severe if we fail to act to protect our common home.”

Chloe Schwabe
Faith Economy Ecology Program Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

Jose Aguto

Jose Aguto

Former Legislative Secretary, Sustainable Energy and Environment

Jose Aguto advocated for national policies supporting the sustainable use and management of our Earth’s resources and ecosystems so that all may thrive. He lead the Sustainable Energy and Environment Program, which leads interfaith, non-partisan, grassroots and multi-sectoral efforts on climate disruption to promote bipartisan dialogue and solutions in Congress. It also seeks to facilitate stronger relationships and collaboration across different sectors of the climate movement.