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The Friends Committee on National Legislation hails the Senate vote to uphold the historic accord to rein in Iran’s nuclear program, guarding against another nuclear-armed nation and another war.


Kate Gould 202-547-6000

The Friends Committee on National Legislation hails the Senate vote to uphold the historic accord to rein in Iran’s nuclear program, guarding against another nuclear-armed nation and another war.

Kate Gould, lead lobbyist of Middle East policy for FCNL, made the following statement:

“Against all odds, the millions of Americans who support diplomacy won in the face of a multi-million dollar campaign to try to derail the historic Iran accord. This is a triumph that belongs first and foremost to the men and women from every walk of life who called, wrote, lobbied and campaigned for their members of Congress to let diplomacy work. The success on the Senate floor is a testament to the indomitable power of a pro-peace citizenry that refuses to allow our lawmakers to drag us into yet another war in the Middle East.

By achieving 42 pro-deal votes, and therefore avoiding the president’s veto, the Senate has sent a clear signal to the world that no longer is the U.S. Congress destined to play a spoiler role for diplomatic solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

These 42 senators heeded the call from the nation’s leading non-proliferation experts, national security experts, former military and diplomatic officials, and leaders from every major faith tradition in the United States.

Today’s vote is a victory for everyone who wants to avoid another war and nuclear-armed nation in the Middle East. FCNL’s nationwide network has advocated for a diplomatic solution to the impasse over Iran’s nuclear program for nearly a decade. The success today lays a strong foundation from which to build on for our work ahead, as we strive to transform U.S. engagement in the Middle East and the world, calling on policymakers to end the endless wars and pursue inclusive, diplomatic solutions.”