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FCNL urges a renewed commitment to protecting human rights and advancing peace in Central African Republic.

FCNL joined ten other organizations in a letter released today urging a renewed commitment to protecting human rights and advancing peace in Central African Republic.

The letter calls attention to this critical transitional time in CAR, the ongoing violence and human rights abuses, and the impact of the Pope’s visit this past weekend. Specifically, the letter recommends the United States commit to providing sustained diplomatic and financial support to:

  1. Local, national and international partners in order to accelerate Security Sector Reform (SSR), Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of ex-combatants and continued assistance to security in LRA-affected areas. This includes engaging MINUSCA and Sangaris to fulfil their mandates during and after the electoral process.

  2. Continuing and institutionalizing locally-led conflict management and reconciliation initiatives engaging religious, community, youth, women and civil society actors.

  3. Efforts to meet humanitarian needs, while building in the necessary flexibility and sustained funding to enable a transition to early recovery and development. This includes the legal and sustainable Natural Resource Management.

  4. Continuing to support accountability processes, including the recovery of the justice sector, national and international accountability mechanisms for abuses committed during the crisis, including illicit trade in natural resources.