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Our friends at WAND led a Twitter chat on women working for a world free of nuclear weapons. Here’s what happened.

Q1: What’s the deal with nuclear weapons? How many exist and just how destructive are they? #DisarmthePatriarchy

Q2: And all that power is in the hands of Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un?! But, we were told that nukes make us safer? #DisarmthePatriarchy

Q3: Why #DisarmthePatriarchy? Why women?

Q4: Because of #intersectionality, we understand that multiple systems of oppression beyond gender exist in our multifaceted lives. How does the nuclear system impact marginalized communities? What does nuclear justice look like? #DisarmthePatriarchy

Q5: How do we #DisarmthePatriarchy?

Q6: Who inspires you? Tag your favorite mentors, colleagues, and organizations that are doing awesome work to #DisarmthePatriarchy!

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