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Over the next 30 years, the United States is likely to spend one trillion dollars on the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Approximately one third of that expense will be on the design and construction of unnecessary new nuclear weapons.

$11 Billion for a new Long Range Standoff weapon/Nuclear Cruise Missile

$85 Billion for new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile to replace the Minuteman III 

$100 Billion to design and build a new B-21 Bomber

$140 Billion to design and build new Ballistic Missile Submarine


$330+ Billion dollars for new nuclear weapons*

*This total does not include life cycle costs of new nuclear weapons (such as maintenance and dismantling) or continuing costs for existing nuclear weapons and related systems.

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Kingston Reif, Price Tag Rising for Planned ICBMs

Jon Wolfsthal, Jeffery Lewis, Marc Quint, The Trillion Dollar Nuclear Triad

Emily Sajewski

Emily Sajewski

Senior Visual Arts Manager

Emily Sajewski served as FCNL’s Senior Visual Arts Manager. In that capacity she worked with the Communications team to engage FCNL’s network through social media.

Jamie DeMarco

Jamie DeMarco

State Carbon Pricing Coordinator

Jamie is a member of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. He has served in many capacities in the Religious Society of Friend, including worked as a Young Fellow (2017 - 2018) at FCNL.