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Amid escalating global tensions, FCNL recently led a letter to Congress with 17 interfaith organizations supporting a new resolution on arms control (H.Res.1079 / S.Res.593).

The resolution strongly affirms the enduring importance of nuclear arms control agreements, including the New START Treaty that Russia suspended its participation in last year. They are led by Reps. Bill Foster (IL-11), John Garamendi (CA-08), Don Beyer (VA-08) and Jim McGovern (MA-02) in the House and Sens. Ed Markey (MA) and Jeff Merkley (OR) in the Senate.

These resolutions are not merely political statements. They are moral imperatives.

The significance of the New START Treaty in maintaining global nuclear stability cannot be overstated. By setting verifiable limits on U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals, the treaty serves as a cornerstone of strategic stability and a bulwark against the horrors of unrestrained nuclear proliferation.

Russia’s recent actions, including its threats to use nuclear weapons and the suspension of New START, pose a dire threat to decades of progress in nuclear arms control and disarmament efforts.

The new resolution calls for Russia to immediately resume full compliance with the New START Treaty. Doing so would include agreeing to renewed, independent resumption on-site nuclear weapons inspections, providing required notifications and data, and reactivating of consultive commission with the U.S. to address implementation and verification concerns.  

Moreover, the resolution advocates for expanded dialogue on nuclear risk reduction and arms control, including U.S. engagement with China and the pursuit of new multilateral arms control efforts involving the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. 

FCNL’s support for this new arms control initiative is rooted in the Quaker commitment to peace and our belief that dialogue, and diplomacy are fundamental to reducing tensions and preventing the use of nuclear weapons. 

“The existence of nuclear weapons breeds a ‘mentality of fear and mistrust’ that undercuts genuine efforts towards peace and security.”

Drawing on the wisdom shared by religious leaders, including Pope Francis, the interfaith letter emphasizes that there is no justification for the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances. As the letter states, “The existence of nuclear weapons breeds a ‘mentality of fear and mistrust’ that undercuts genuine efforts towards peace and security.”

As advocates for a world free from the shadow of nuclear annihilation, we urge members of Congress to cosponsor H.Res.1079 and S.Res.593. 

These resolutions are not merely political statements. They are moral imperatives for a renewed commitment to dialogue, disarmament, and preventing nuclear catastrophe. 

FCNL remains dedicated to building a world where peace and security are achieved through cooperation and respect for human dignity, echoing the deepest values of the Quaker faith and the broader interfaith community.

Allen Hester

Allen Hester

Legislative Representative, Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending

Allen Hester leads FCNL’s Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending portfolio. He develops legislative strategies and lobbies Congress for reductions in Pentagon spending, strengthened arms control regimes, and the eventual elimination of nuclear weapons.